Triple Zero Property

Investment Property Videos

Watch Our Videos About Property Investing

Watch our team of property investment experts discuss key aspects of wealth generation through property investment. Explore our video resource library below for expert insights, knowledge, and advice to help you grow your property portfolio.

Why You Should Seek Legal Advice First

Education Series

A successful property investor puts time and resources into their project. It doesn’t happen by accident. 

Solicitor Tom Wood (FC Lawyers), Terry Ryder ( and Danny Buxton (Triple Zero Property) discuss why it is important to invest in good advice before you sign anything. 


How to Create a 6-figure Passive Income


It’s the dream for many Australians: an annual income above $100,000 without working.

It sounds too good to be true, but with sensible – and safe – investment strategies, it’s possible. In this webinar, Hotspotting founder Terry Ryder and Danny Buxton, (Founder of Triple Zero Property) demonstrate how it works by presenting real case studies.

A successful property investor puts time and resources into their project. This video is worth watching for anyone considering investing in SDA (NDIS) property.

Why the structure of your investment is just as important as the property you buy.

Education Series

Property tips: it is not just the location and type of property you buy. In this short video Kevin Scambler from Atom Accounting talks about the importance of getting the structure right before you start. 

How to Identify the Right Location

Education Series


Time has proven the key to building solid property investments is research, research, research.

In this video, we discuss the indicators of a growing area.

Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA)

Case Study


These state of the art homes are built for a special purpose. Here is an example of just one of these purpose built homes. 

Why infrastructure spending is so important

Education Series

Terry Ryder from explains the key drivers for growth in this short video.

Want to Learn more About Property Investing?

Reach your property investment goals with the knowledge and confidence of an expert team supporting you. Our resources covers all the key news, trends and drivers affecting the local property market.

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Property Calculators

Investing in Property Videos